- Title
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline
- Abstract
This data is part of FRED data package #622, please see this link for details: https://fred.igb-berlin.de/data/package/622
- License
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
+ This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. It can be used and distributed in any medium or format, for any purpose, even commercially, provided that appropriate credit is given to the data provider (IGB Berlin) and to the authors/sources, that a link to the license is provided, and that any changes done to the work are clearly indicated. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
+ For more info see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. - Publication Date
- Aug. 31, 2022, 4:28 p.m.
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- Regions
- Germany
- Approved
- Yes
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- None
- Attribution
- None
- Name
- Hauke Dämpfling (daempfling)
- hauke.daempfling@igb-berlin.de
- Position
- None
- Organization
- Location
- Berlin DEU
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Keywords
- ldap
- Spatial Extent
- ---
- Projection System
- EPSG:25833
- Extension x0
- 443103.1720855
- Extension x1
- 453070.245599297
- Extension y0
- 5798816.07603588
- Extension y1
- 5812431.70526524
- Maintenance Frequency
- Frequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known
- Language
- English
- Supplemental Information
No information provided
- Name
- Hauke Dämpfling (daempfling)
- hauke.daempfling@igb-berlin.de
- Position
- None
- Organization
- Location
- Berlin DEU
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Link Online
- /layers/igb_geonode_data:geonode:catchment_outline
- Metadata Page
- /layers/igb_geonode_data:geonode:catchment_outline/metadata_detail
- Zipped Shapefile
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.zip
- Thumbnail
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Thumbnail
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Thumbnail
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Excel
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.excel
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.json
- Thumbnail
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.pdf
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Original Layer
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.zip
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.jpg
- GML 2.0
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.gml
- GML 3.1.1
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.gml
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.csv
- Thumbnail
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- Legend
- Demnitz Mill Creek Catchment Outline.png
- OGC WMS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WMS
- OGC WFS: geonode Service
- Geoservice OGC:WFS
- Name
- Hauke Dämpfling (daempfling)
- hauke.daempfling@igb-berlin.de
- Position
- None
- Organization
- Location
- Berlin DEU
- Voice
- None
- Fax
- None
- Keywords
- ldap